Sunday, March 30, 2008

An Unco-operative or Unwilling Spirit

There’s nothing much one can do when you
meet someone with an unco-operative spirit.

Whatever you advise her falls on deaf ears.
I wonder where this kind of unwilling,
unco-operating spirit stems from? Is it due
to the fact that she is proud or she is
unwilling to learn? Or what? I understand that
many old folks are like that, and it's seems
to be worse when it is their own children
who are advising or teaching them.

When this kind of spirit is directed—even
though it may not be deliberate—toward you
who are trying your best to help her, how
would you feel? Disheartened, isn’t it?
Try as you would not to feel that way,
you’d feel you are helping in vain,
wouldn’t you? (My mother is one example of
having such a spirit. She can be very
negative about so many things. You’d tell
her to be positive but she would not listen
to you.) Sometimes I felt like that when
so many things that I give my mum are
rejected outright even though they are
meant for her good. Or she complains a
lot when she receives what is given her.
A positive and willing-to-help-oneself
heart is so vital for recovery from
sickness or for good health. As such,
she makes me worry as I feel her negativity
and her unwillingness to help herself
makes it hard for her to follow instructions
or advice properly. And this, I am afraid,
may hamper her recovery from her illness.
One thing that can be done, perhaps, is
to pray.

"An Antedote to Complaining?"


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