Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Kidney Transplant or Not?

(Please read the earlier blog)

Coming back to the question, “Has nature (or Has God) intended it that we should “rob,” or to say it more acceptably, purchase kidneys or other organs from each other? You might not like my answer, but I personally don’t think so. I believe that we are designed to remain as one piece, not one partial piece PLUS several grafts! Philosophically and out of a merciful heart, if a person has an accident that damaged his kidneys, or is on the verge of dying, and a kidney from a dead man’s body could save his life, maybe, it is justifiable to get a transplant done.

Many kidney specialists would advocate a kidney transplant, when they see a what-they-deem-as-hopeless situation. But the question is, have they or we, ourselves, really got no choice other than to opt for a transplant? Should we benefit at someone’s expense, perhaps even eventually costing the donor’s (or seller’s, whichever the case may be) earlier demise? Removing a kidney from a healthy person, and living on one kidney are each a risk in itself; I do not know what the level of risk actually is, but I do know that it can be very dangerous. Imagine running around with only one kidney! I’m not saying it isn’t possible, or that there’s no one who has succeeded to live on one or no kidney. But, to me, it is like running a vehicle around in the wilderness on uncharted soil where no one lives for miles on ends, with no spare tire! Nobody in his sound mind would ever do that! Like good spare tires in the desert, kidneys are rare commodities these days, with people queuing several years in wait of one, and tens of thousands perhaps dying each year because they waited in vain for one; and when the donor himself or herself needs one kidney to replace his ONLY ONE failing kidney that is left, he/she may be in hot soup waiting for one that is suitable! I submit to you: It’s not a question of being selfish here, is it? It’s a matter of survival!

Regardless of what the specialists think, believe or even advise, have you explored all the alternatives? Well, let me say that if you’re in such dire straits as the tycoon I mentioned in my last blog, then you haven't done enough homework; you haven't explored or even exhausted the alternative, but perhaps simpler and not-so-quick, approaches to treatment.

Most people, unfortunately, take the views of those whom they respect, especially when the latter are experts in their profession. Sad to say, no one’s view is infallible! The “wise” don’t always have all the answers; the simple often confounds the “wise.” Yet, many people scoff at simplicity and are in favor of the complicated procedure, which in this case is kidney transplantation.

May I say this: When experts tell you that you have no choice but to have your kidneys removed or transplanted, please take what they say with a grain of salt. They have been proven wrong many times before. Some wise soul may say, “Go for the second or third opinion.” But people tend to seek the opinion of people in the same field of expertise, who though their opinions sometimes differ, yet they often concur, meaning, they’d say, “Go for a transplant.” Kidney transplantation is not always absolutely needed even when your expert(s) tells you so!

You have a choice to choose for yourself……first to explore the available safer options. You also have your right to decide for yourself! There are indeed safer, more-longer-lasting, and better alternatives available. (I don’t just believe so; I know it’s so! My book, if I may mention it here, addresses some alternatives, and thanks to God, many have benefited from reading it; or you may wish to ask us). Just ask different experts from various fields, including those in alternative medicine, not just those from the conventional medical profession…Seeking various alternatives may take time, but it is necessary. After having explored your available options, you’ll then fall under the category of ‘the knowing.’ And then, and only then, will you be able to prove the simple truth of this famous saying: “…you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you (or your kidneys) free.” But be wary of knowing half truths, or knowing inadequately, since acting on that basis can be highly perilous.

Healthy—not sick—organs are products of careful planning, not accidents. Cultivating and maintaining long-lasting, healthy organs like kidneys is a science as well as an art; it’s no accident! Ultimately, it boils down to one policy: prevention is better than cure. True prevention is an active thing, not passive submission to the almost-certain, but not inevitable, onslaught of disease.

You might have your reasons in favor of, or against, kidney trading and/or kidney transplant. If so, do feel free to share your reasons here by clicking on the ‘Comment’ link, or e-mail me with comments or questions.>


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