Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Banish That Couple from the Bedrooms

This couple has destroyed many a relationship. Because of their addictive nature, they are capable of ruining legitimate sex life, marriages, families, and indeed our health—perhaps, even our very own lives. Not only have they contributed to an alarming obesity-rate hike, they have indeed prevented us from doing a great many worthy activities, including normal day-to-day and health-giving activities. This is particularly true for the weak-willed or ill-disciplined, or even for individuals who are lacking in meaningful goals or purposes in life. In short, this couple has wrecked, and is still wrecking, innumerable lives throughout the world.

By couple here, I mean that innocent couple of boxes: the television and the computer.

TVs and computers have insidiously crept into the bedrooms of many a house.

Admittedly, these two boxes are great inventions of man. But, sadly, kids and even many adults nowadays invariably find themselves spending dozens of hours each week on them; we are breeding a generation of sedentary, indoor people.

These two electronic boxes come in all their variations, including notebooks, DVD/VCD players, gaming machines and so on. These days they come disguised as much smaller boxes in various shapes and thicknesses.

Nevertheless, the latter are still the same things. They are equally, if not more, ferocious than their bigger counterparts. All these, though dead, are lively and therefore can be regarded as "wolves in sheep's clothings."

So, be wary of those two boxes in your study and living rooms.

More than that, banish them where they ought not be--your bedrooms!! Let's be wise, my friend.


At 11:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually you are right but they are also a useful tool if used wisely and with the right motives in mind.

At 11:04 PM , Blogger Ray Chee said...


Thank you for your comment. Yes, I totally agree with you on this.

Without the computer, no one would be able to post to our blogs, for example. And there would indeed be no such thing as online blogs, as with all the other good things we have on the internet.


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