Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Why Not Spend the Billions of Dollars Elsewhere?

Every year, untold billions are spent on pharmaceuticals, healthcare, medical devices, biotechnology and nanotechnology. Additional billions of dollars find their way into the initiation, formulation and eventual catapulting of the resulting products into various markets. The great majority of the "promising" aids and devices, and so-called cures or treatments, are well received initially only to be dumped not long afterward. And so, new and more "exciting" products or even techniques and therapies emerge to take their places. The truth is, most products and therapies are replaced even before they gain popularity. Does this seem like a futile cycle which, as you might have observed, gets repeated again and again, almost like you change your clothes?

Instead of spending billions or trillions of dollars annually researching, developing and marketing products, therapies, treatments, chemicals, and God knows what else that will work only for a season--in the vast majority of cases, only partially or inadequately, why not spend a large proportion of these monies seeking to establish the Law of Health in needy peoples' lives?

This Law of Tip-top Health has already been revealed, as suggested in the book, " The Amazing Heart - A Revolutionary View that could SAVE and LENGTHEN Your LIFE! " Published in October of 2005, the book by Ray Chee (i.e., the writer of this blog) is based on heavy research spanning seven years. As the writer claims in his book, many research studies have confirmed the principles that he had written in his as-yet-unpublished work, and even as he was in the process of writing them they were being confirmed. In fact, the principles set forth in the book are still being verified to this day; they will continue to be demonstrated true, and so proving that the Law so formulated in the book is worthy of wholehearted acceptance and execution. As Chee puts it in his book, if you are interested in knowing the result of your investigation, you may well know your results even before you embark on it after reading his book. Check it out!

If only we can spend that kind of money helping to incorporate the Law of Tip-top Health in the lives of people...if only...how much healthier and happier lives on earth would be!

The writer knows. Not all will accept or go by that Law. In fact, most people won’t (the writer hopes that you’ll prove him wrong here). This is sad.

The sick will always be with us, just as Jesus Christ has said, "the poor shall always be with you." But at least we won't spend our money in vain. This is because most of the products that purport to help, unfortunately, ultimately end up deteriorating the health of the very people that they were intended to help.

The writer also knows that there are those who will disagree strongly with him here, but he is sure that there are many who would agree with him on this?

Which category do you belong to? Send your comments.

The above may sound like bragging but you will change your mind when you know the source of it all. Don't be found short-changed by the world’s system!!

Blog: http://FocusOnTotalHealth.blogspot.com

Website: http://FocusOnTotalHealth.net


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